Mosquito Control Services in South Mississippi
While mosquitoes might be among the most annoying pests to encounter and may not seem to be the most severe pest to deal with, they are among the most dangerous. This is due to the number of diseases that mosquitoes can carry malaria, encephalitis, yellow and dengue fevers.
Mosquito Extermination
The best approach to mitigating the mosquito population around your home is by draining any standing water. This provides them with the right environmental conditions to thrive. Examples of areas with standing water mosquitoes can use rain gutters, buckets, birdbaths, and swimming pools, to name a few. Taking proper care of your yard by mowing your lawn and pulling weeds along the fence line also helps. When using mosquito repellent, ensure that what you’re using is EPA approved.
Using these methods can help control the situation for more permanent mosquito service needs contact Holifield Pest Management Inc. to have our exterminators administer treatment.